Find the Right Mentors

Find the right mentors

Find the right mentors that will give you the necessary guidance. I personally like to have more than one mentor. Each of my mentors serves a specific purpose. Some people would rather stick with only one person. I especially recommend this if all you want to learn a step-by-step approach on how to make money online (but here again I have more than one mentor, because each serves a specific purpose). The following is to give you some tips on finding the mentor that is right for you.

Identify Your Need

This is a good place to start. Ask yourself questions such as:

  • What do I need help or direction with?
  • Do I need help with step-by-step how to?
  • Am I interesting in learning the technical aspects of doing business online?

Write out a list of possibilities that you would want to look to someone else to help you with.

How Much Are You Willing to Invest

This is something that many do not think about. If you really want the best you can get from your mentor you should consider how much you are willing to invest. For example, I would love to invest in a $2,000 plus package that one of my mentor’s offers but at this point it is not affordable to me but when my mentor opened an Inner Circle for only $7 a month, let me tell you it was a no brainer.

Do They Willingly Offer Value

Before you jump the gun and think that the best mentors are those you fork over cash to, which is not necessarily true. Most mentors that you eventually invest in more than likely is because they have provided you with incredible value. You should be able to evaluate what they offer based on what they are willing to give. Usually givers are seldom takers and when a mentor gives you value then when you invest you will be extremely excited. The investment will be to you as if you now found hidden treasure :)

Can You Learn from Them

Identify what kind of a learner are you. Do you like to read about the material, listen audios? You may also want to identify if you are more of a visual learner. This is essential because the mentor you look for must be someone who provides you with lots of visuals. What about their style?

You may find that someone is too wild. They may offer great material but you just can’t get into their training because their method is a bit of a distracting. One of my mentors likes going all out by offering his stuff using fun and creative methods. All this fun may turn some of you off which prefer a more serious approach. So a mentors style is essential to see if they are right for you.

Are You Inspired by Them

This definitely goes along with their style and how they teach, that appeals to your way of learning. A mentor is suppose to inspire what you want to put to action. If all a mentor does is offer you information and none of it inspires you to take action then I would seriously reconsider my mentor.

There is someone I considered as a mentor and they do an excellent job and provide incredible value but I needed a mentor who would challenge me just a little bit more directly. I found two that did just that. They work as a team and they not only challenge you they hold you accountable. Their efforts have inspired me to take action and I can say with confidence I am so glad I invested hundreds into their training.

How has your experienced been with mentors?

To your Success, Ann Moore (Mom Internet)

About Ann Moore

Follower of Jesus Christ, wife and Mom of a houseful of kiddos. Ann is co-author of "How To Sell On eBay - Your Step-By-Step Guide To Selling On eBay" In addition to her home management and administration skills, Ann is an entrepreneur at heart who loves to write. Her passionate writing topics include: Christian faith and living, Internet Marketing, Home Business Tips and Ideas, Time Management, Self-improvement and Travel.
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  • Geri Richmond

    Hi Ann,

    I always see you commenting on Carol Amato’s blog, so, I had to come and take a look when I saw the title of this post.
    My experience with my coach and mentor has been awesome! She has the patience of a Saint and frankly, I don’t know how she does it.

    These are all good points and questions you should ask yourself before hiring a mentor.
    Thanks for the great info.

    • Ann Moore


      Welcome to my blog and thank you so much for your input. I have been very encouraged to read Carol Amato’s blog. I think of her as a steady, trustworthy individual. Someone I certainly would like to learn from. She is certainly a really neat lady.