Mirror Test

“What Do You See in Your Mirror?”

Do you see every imperfection, worry, or failure, or do you truly see the greatness you were created to walk in?

What do you hear yourself saying?

Do you berate yourself with comments like “I’m overweight,” and “I’m getting old”? Or do you stand tall and say “Thank you Lord, I look great!”

I really believe that a mirror reflects much more than what our eyes see at a quick glance. If you really listen to the thoughts going on inside your mind as you look into that mirror. I think you will find that a mirror really reflects your inner thoughts and your beliefs. It is a reflection into the soul.

I challenge you to next time you’re in front of a mirror to listen to the voice inside and what it is saying…. I think you may be surprised.

Come up with answers to these questions:

• What kind of words are you saying in your mind?
• What thoughts are running through your head right now?
• Are they positive or are they negative?
• Where did these thoughts have originate from?
• Is it what you really see or is it coming from the influences that surround your life?

I must admit for years I was not someone I really enjoyed looking at in a mirror.

I plagued my mind with negative unproductive thoughts, which became my very excuses for not even trying. Thus I became what I had put in my mind, a failure!

The truth is it does not have to be this way! In my life I was impacted by a little booklet my pastor wrote…about a victorious Christian life…yes, I even saw myself as a failure in my personal life…all this due to my negative thoughts.

It took a tragedy in my life a couple of years ago to open my eyes.

I then took courage with the thought of not giving up! Doing my best and having a focus on my God given abilities.

I really do not know what the situation is that you are finding yourself in as you reading this but what I do know is that your situation is very real to you and it is probably playing a big part in how you see yourself, and what direction you see clearer for your life right now.

Our current mindset plays a very big role in what direction we see clearer, Success or failure.

Consider this quote by John Wooden,
“Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.”

Be sure you take the challenge and consider the mirror test.


To your Success, Ann Moore (Mom Internet)

About Ann Moore

Follower of Jesus Christ, wife and Mom of a houseful of kiddos. Ann is co-author of "How To Sell On eBay - Your Step-By-Step Guide To Selling On eBay" In addition to her home management and administration skills, Ann is an entrepreneur at heart who loves to write. Her passionate writing topics include: Christian faith and living, Internet Marketing, Home Business Tips and Ideas, Time Management, Self-improvement and Travel.
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