Office Options For Your Start-Up Business

One of the first things that should be decided upon when you start your own business is your office situation.  You have a few options to choose from, but only you can decide whether it is a good idea to lease an office, set up a home office, or split the difference and lease a virtual business address.  Once you’ve figured this out, you’ll only have countless other things to decide.

Lease an Office

The obvious choice, for those that can afford it, would be to lease an office space.  If you have enough employees, there may be no other way.  When choosing an office, it is important to determine how you need the office to function and then picking one that meets your requirements.  If you don’t plan on having merchandise on site, for example, an office with ample warehouse space might not be the best option for you.

Create a Home Office

Doing all your work from home could be a great way to save a ton of money for your business.  If you are small enough and don’t plan on meeting with clients on a day-to-day basis, a working phone and computer may be all you really need to create a workspace and if you have a family, it would be a great way to stay connected with them as well as your clients.  To create a successful home office, it is important to set yourself up in a room with the minimum of distractions.  This means getting off the couch and away from the television.  Move to a quiet part of your house where you can focus on the work you need to do and the home office can be as good as any brick and mortar place you could be leasing.

The Best of Both Worlds

Sometimes, your wallet and your needs don’t see eye to eye.  You may not be able to afford a full-time office, but you need to entertain clients in a space other than your own home.  A lot of businesses in this position look towards a virtual business address to satisfy their needs.  A virtual business address is a real location, but it is only for times you really need it, like holding meetings with your clients.  This set up comes with all the amenities you need to function like a full-time office for the short amount of time you need it.  This is a great way to combine your desired professional look while saving money on unnecessary office space rental.

Your office should be able to meet each one of your company’s needs, so picking the right set-up is an important step.  After all, you don’t want to be paying for an office that you can’t populate with people, and you don’t want to have fifteen people working in your kitchen.

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To your Success, Ann Moore (Mom Internet)

About Ann Moore

Follower of Jesus Christ, wife and Mom of a houseful of kiddos. Ann is co-author of "How To Sell On eBay - Your Step-By-Step Guide To Selling On eBay" In addition to her home management and administration skills, Ann is an entrepreneur at heart who loves to write. Her passionate writing topics include: Christian faith and living, Internet Marketing, Home Business Tips and Ideas, Time Management, Self-improvement and Travel.
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