Vision Matters

We are soon approaching the middle of 2014. This is a great time to recapture your vision and see how you are doing. Your vision is what will keep you going to accomplish your daily goals even in times you least desire to. A vision fueled with passion will certainly make it where your task are far less than work with positive thoughts of achieving your ultimate desire.

These goals can be little steps or huge milestones that with time begin to gain momentum. Now as you are taking the time to evaluate your progress and you find that you have not accomplished your goals then ask, ¨What is hindering you? Have you lost sight of your overall vision? Is it that you did not have a vision to begin with? ¨

I highly advice that you do not overlook having a vision. You want your vision to be realistic and provide you with the motivation that will help you get through the difficult times.

See, without a gran propelling purpose you will become stagnant.

If you have become distracted or discouraged and rather than taking action toward realizing your vision and gone after the next ¨shiny object¨ promising you the magic button then stop. And do NOT beat yourself over the head over lost time. Get yourself back on track and focus on your vision. If you have lost complete sight or do not have a vision then begin by answering this basic question:

What do you hope to accomplish and why?

For example I desire to learn to play violin. Desire alone is not enough so I began to put action and I made an attempt to teach myself violin. I ordered a violin, which was not ready to play. I had to figure out how to assemble the bridge. I knew absolutely nothing about the violin. In my attempt to get the instrument in playing condition I was damaging the violin. Eventually in my inward sorrow I gave the violin away.

You can say it was a failure and you would be right but I am so glad that I failed early on in my desire to play the violin. I learned some valuable lessons such as buy an instrument that is ready to play or be willing to pay a professional to set it up so I could get to the business of playing. Now this failure did not destroy my vision it simply showed me that I would have to go another route.

I began my research and found that I would prefer a violin that is ready to play and one that would have a little better sound quality. In addition I also discovered if I were to learn violin it would be using the Suzuki method as it seemed more my style. I looked forward to the day when this could happen because at the moment I travelled around a lot and currently we live in Nicaragua that is not cultured in classical music.

To make a long story short my determination in my vision lead me to find a maestro that taught Suzuki but with a couple of problems, he was too far away and the lessons are in Spanish but I did get violin that his student was selling. This violin is beautiful and a great beginners violin with excellent sound and I got it at a great deal too (always a bonus when that happens).My Violin

But because my vision kept me passionate I pursued what at the time seemed impossible but I found the next best thing an online instructor that teaches Suzuki. Lora is an dynamite teacher with years of experience and with a passion to see her students excel.

Now I have the potential to learn to play violin. In a sense you can say I will soon reach my vision. But there is another secret that I have learned that my vision is growing. I see greater potential in my desire to play violin than ever before. I can see this post has become quite lengthy so I hope to share with you my new found discovery about the dynamics of a passionate vision.

For now, I encourage you to think about your vision. If you do not have one get one. If you lost your focus get back on track you will never regret it and learn from your mistakes.

Another tip: Tell others about your vision. There is something about telling others that helps solidify your vision. Feel free to tell us in the comments below.



To your Success, Ann Moore (Mom Internet)

About Ann Moore

Follower of Jesus Christ, wife and Mom of a houseful of kiddos. Ann is co-author of "How To Sell On eBay - Your Step-By-Step Guide To Selling On eBay" In addition to her home management and administration skills, Ann is an entrepreneur at heart who loves to write. Her passionate writing topics include: Christian faith and living, Internet Marketing, Home Business Tips and Ideas, Time Management, Self-improvement and Travel.
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